Branched Gahenna

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DSFF / EDUFF24 - Program 3 as screened on October 5th at the Duluth Superior Film Festival 2024.
12 Short Films
- What If - Julian Fellah
Downriver Detroit Student Film Consortium, MI | 02:54
- Meeting with the Don - Grant Huffman-Annett
PiM Arts High School, MN | 06:51
- Man in Mind - Toufue Yang
Champlin Park High School, MN | 03:24
- Abbi and Sylvie - Poppy Jones
Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN | 01:15
- To Spite The Gods - Anjali Marie Fra
Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN | 00:51
- Playtime Paradoxical - Lee Dalman
PiM Arts High School, MN | 06:20
- A House in Annandale - Jorgiann Vander
Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN | 02:02
- Living - Ivy Salmi-Perry
Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN | 04:09
- Train Ride - Animation students of PCAE
Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN | 03:03
- Questions - Julian Fellah
Downriver Detroit Student Film Consortium, MI | 01:30
- Truth Is - Jayden De Alba with FilmNorth's Studio Thirteen
FilmNorth’s Studio Thirteen, MN | 06:32
- Branched Gahenna - Thomas Edmund Thro
Perpich Center for Arts Education, MN | 09:27
EDUFF24 Program 7
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